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I always believed in collective intelligence in order to tackle new and complex topics. Agile teams are based on bringing together good brains, produce interim results and learn fast.
The more viewpoints and backgrounds we include, the richer our learnings.
That's why I start to formulate my thoughts on one-pagers, allowing them to circulate in other discussions, to contribute to new interim results, to formulate solutions maybe far away from my personal contribution.

So far, we have only published when we were sure that what we were writing was correct and true. We no longer have to live up to this claim.
We no longer know what is right. Our models and myths no longer work, political concepts are dying out. We have to re-define many things, above all the role of the state, the structures of the markets and of our societies. Nobody knows today how the world will function in 25 years; but we are finally beginning to realize that we can no longer extrapolate from today's world.

My contributions are neither scientific nor academic.
But I do understand from practical experience how governments can be changed.
As head of patents of the Swiss government 20 years ago, I set the course that has led to Switzerland being one of the most innovative nations and its administration one of the most efficient worldwide. Since, I have worked as a consultant in over 20 countries, helping to reorganize adminstrations and make economies more innovative.
As an ecologist I'm used to think in unpredictable systems and as a behavioural biologist and through my scientific on wild chimpanzees I have an idea of how we humans behave when resources become scarce.

My published thoughts are based on these experiences

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